7Seas Entertainment Limited, India’s first Independent Gaming Development Company is having Clients all over the globe. 7Seas collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. The company is ascending new heights by generating expected net revenues every year both in Indian and International Gaming market. The company offers most guaranteed and secured bright future for its investors. With a strong commitment to innovation, 7Seas is continuously expanding its portfolio and forging strategic partnerships worldwide." Feel free to use this line or adjust it according to the tone and content you're looking for.

Details of RTA : VENTURE CAPITAL AND CORPORATE INVESTMENTS PVT LIMITED “AURUM”, 4th & 5th Floors, Plot No.57 , Jayabheri Enclave Phase – II, Gachibowli , Hyderabad – 500032. Phone : 040-23818475/35164940

Compliance Officer & Investor Grievance Redressal Officer

Mr. Remo John
Company Secretary
Correspondence Address: 5th Floor, Plot No. 92,93&94,
Kavuri Hills, Madhapur, Hyderabad,
Telangana – 500 081
Phone No.: 040-49533636
Email Id.: finance@7seasent.com.